最後に、自分自身に「ごめんなさい」と言わなければならない状況を避けるためにも、これらの言葉を日頃から練習しておくことが望ましい。「ありがとう」と「ごめんなさい」を適切に使える能力は、人間関係を円滑にし、自己成長を促す重要なスキルなのかもしれない。 The Importance of "Thank You" and "I'm Sorry"
In life, the two phrases "thank you" and "I'm sorry" are extremely important. The words spoken by Yuko, the mother in the morning drama Chimudondon, to her daughter Nobuko—"Your strength is that you can say 'thank you' and 'I'm sorry'"—contain deep wisdom.
Now that I think about it, Torako from Tora ni Tsubasa often said something similar as well. However, as we age, it becomes increasingly difficult to say these words. When feelings of gratitude fade, it becomes harder to say "thank you," and when pride gets in the way, it becomes harder to say "I'm sorry." Sometimes, we may even attack others in order to hide our own mistakes.
Practicing "Thank You"
The practice of saying "thank you" should start with inanimate objects. Begin by thanking natural elements like the sun, moon, sea, and mountains, and gradually move on to more familiar things. It is recommended to practice this quietly, such as by talking to yourself or saying it under your breath without worrying about others' opinions.
Next, try saying "thank you" for events. Start with distant events and gradually move toward those closer to you. Ultimately, the goal is to be able to express genuine gratitude to the people around you. Ideally, you should even be able to thank yourself on occasion.
Practicing "I'm Sorry"
Saying "I'm sorry" is more challenging. A helpful tip for practicing this phrase lies in moments when you feel the urge to criticize others. In such moments, it is important to take the opportunity for self-reflection and look inward.
When starting, it’s a good idea to begin by apologizing for small events from the past. For example, try saying, "I'm sorry for what I said back then" about an old situation. By practicing in this way, you may discover many opportunities to say "I'm sorry."
Once you become proficient, you'll be able to sincerely apologize to those close to you or to those younger than you. It is crucial to keep practicing until you reach this level.
The Importance of Words
In May 1997, at the moment the lid of my son's coffin was closing, I was able to say "thank you" to him from the bottom of my heart. Sometimes, I still speak to my son's photo, saying "I'm sorry."
These words only carry meaning when they are directed toward someone. It is essential to express them while we still have time together, rather than regretting the opportunity when the other person is gone.
Lastly, to avoid situations where you must say "I'm sorry" to yourself, it is important to practice these words regularly. The ability to use "thank you" and "I'm sorry" appropriately may be a critical skill for smoothing human relationships and promoting personal growth.
