①経営層の意識改革— AIの本質を理解し、戦略的な導入計画を立てる。
②AI人材の確保と育成— 社内でAIを活用できる人材の育成に力を入れる。
③データ活用の強化— AI導入のためのデータ環境を整備し、分析を推進する。
④セキュリティ対策の強化— AI活用によるリスクを最小限に抑えるための対策を講じる。
"The Boiled Frog Recommendation"—The Risks of Not Adopting Generative AI
Let’s consider the risks of not adopting generative AI.First, let’s revisit the "boiled frog theory." According to this fable, if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will immediately jump out. However, if it is placed in cold water and the temperature is gradually increased, the frog will not notice the change and will eventually be boiled alive. In the business world, failing to notice environmental changes and responding too late can lead to irreversible situations.
The use of generative AI is advancing rapidly among companies worldwide. However, according to a survey conducted in May 2024, only 32% of Japanese knowledge workers are utilizing generative AI, which is significantly lower than the global average of 75%. If this trend continues, Japanese companies risk losing their competitiveness and becoming "boiled frogs."
Failing to introduce generative AI can result in the following risks:
• Decline in CompetitivenessIf competitors adopt generative AI while your company does not, significant differences in operational efficiency and service quality will arise. Companies that fail to meet customer needs will inevitably be left behind in the market.
• Acceleration of Talent OutflowTalented individuals who prioritize digital technology will naturally gravitate towards companies that are actively leveraging generative AI. If companies remain stagnant due to fear of transformation, they will not only miss growth opportunities but also lose organizational vitality.
• Decline in Brand ImageModern customers and job seekers closely monitor how companies incorporate the latest technologies. A delay in adopting generative AI could result in the company being perceived as outdated, leading to missed opportunities to attract talented individuals and business prospects.
• Missed Opportunities for Operational EfficiencyGenerative AI enables automation of administrative tasks and optimization of marketing activities. For example, AI can automate customer support responses and facilitate data-driven decision-making, significantly boosting overall corporate productivity.
Why, then, are Japanese companies cautious about adopting generative AI?The reasons include a conservative corporate culture, a lack of AI talent, low awareness of data utilization, and concerns over security. However, unless these challenges are addressed, the future will remain uncertain.
To avoid becoming a "boiled frog," business leaders must first understand the potential of generative AI and create a roadmap for its implementation. The following initiatives are crucial:
Raising Awareness Among Executives – Understanding the essence of AI and developing a strategic implementation plan.
Securing and Developing AI Talent – Investing in training employees to utilize AI effectively within the company.
Enhancing Data Utilization – Establishing the necessary data environment for AI implementation and promoting data-driven decision-making.
Strengthening Security Measures – Implementing measures to minimize risks associated with AI adoption.
The key to unlocking a company's future lies in embracing change and taking on new technologies without fear. Companies hesitant about AI adoption should take action now. To avoid becoming a "boiled frog," it is time to take the first step toward transformation.
The Executive Development Research Association provides the latest information on generative AI adoption and utilization, offering a platform for learning and discussion. We will continue to support those who are unafraid of change and eager to take on new challenges.
