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これからも、リアルとオンラインの良さを組み合わせながら、経営者の成長とネットワークの拡大に貢献し続けていきたい。東京で皆さんとお会いできる日を心から楽しみにしている。 "Expanding Connections and Growth Through the Fusion of Real and Online"

I decided to go to Tokyo on Sunday afternoon. With that in mind, I thought it would be a good opportunity to plan a lunch gathering. I began inviting people in the evening, and by this morning, 60 people had expressed their intention to join. I am both surprised and deeply grateful for this response.

Looking over the list of expected participants, I noticed that more than half of them are people I will be meeting in person for the first time. Since two years ago, I’ve been organizing gatherings of 60 to 70 participants every time I visit Tokyo. This, I believe, is the power of persistence. Hosting these gatherings only once or twice a year has led some to describe the opportunity to meet me in person—what they call "The Real Sho Yoshinaga"—as something rare and valuable. I must admit, hearing this brings me a sense of pride as an organizer.

Recently, as online connections have become more widespread, I find myself increasingly recognizing the importance of in-person interactions. Online gatherings allow for efficient networking across distances, transcending limitations of time and place. They offer a low barrier to entry, making it easy for new participants to join in casually.

On the other hand, in-person gatherings possess a unique energy. There’s a warmth and trust that can only emerge from sharing the same physical space, as well as new connections sparked by spontaneous conversations. These are qualities that are difficult to replicate online. I believe both real and online settings are equally important, and that striking a balance between the two is essential in creating meaningful networking opportunities.

All of the gatherings I host are planned and executed solely by me. I personally reach out to each participant, confirm their attendance, and handle the selection and negotiation of venues. Although this process is time-consuming and labor-intensive, I believe it’s precisely this personal approach that makes these gatherings warm and trustworthy spaces.

The same spirit applies to the activities of the Executive Development Research Group, which I manage. Strengthening bonds among executives, providing new learning opportunities, and creating spaces where we can elevate one another—these are my missions and my passions.

This particular lunch gathering also doubles as a New Year’s event for the Executive Development Research Group. I hope to make the most of the advantages of an in-person setting while deepening the connections formed online. My wish is that as many participants as possible will discover new insights and connections during this event. Though the preparations are demanding, I am committed to putting my heart into them.

Moving forward, I aim to continue contributing to the growth of executives and the expansion of networks by blending the best aspects of real and online interaction. I sincerely look forward to meeting everyone in Tokyo.





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