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執筆者の写真: ncu807ncu807








そう思いながら今日もパソコンに向かっている。 "Heavenly Knowledge Unnecessary: A Collection of Essays Exploring the True Wisdom of Business Leaders" The "Heavenly Knowledge Unnecessary" series is a collection of business essays that embodies the philosophical foundation for running the Business Leader Development Research Group. It can be described as an attempt to articulate the trajectory of what I have learned, thought, and acted upon through encounters with numerous business leaders. The title of this essay collection carries a profound meaning. While there are many business theories and success models in the world, merely understanding them intellectually does not lead to fundamental transformation. What is essential are the empirical rules built by the practitioners themselves and the beliefs acquired through trial and error. Humans cannot "know heaven" (all theories and knowledge); one might even say it is "unnecessary." It is from seemingly "unnecessary" small actions and encounters that we gain a sense of direction as human beings and acquire living wisdom as business leaders. This essay collection candidly recounts not only glamorous success stories but also lessons learned from failures and detours. I myself have experienced setbacks and miscalculations in sales and corporate management, and have struggled to recover from them. By putting this real trajectory into words, I hoped readers would feel the "breath of living business leaders" that cannot be experienced in theoretical books. The episodes and reflections penned in "Heavenly Knowledge Unnecessary" can be considered the spiritual backbone for participants of the Business Leader Development Research Group. The attitude of "learning from encounters" that I cherish in community management overlaps with the worldview depicted in this essay collection. Encounters are not mere exchanges of business cards, but stimuli that shake up our thinking and forces that transform our actions. Through this essay collection, I also intended to bring to light the image of "business leaders as human beings." Business leaders are not machines manipulating numbers and strategies, but beings who worry, rejoice, and stumble forward day by day. There is value in this process, and it is from here that knowledge is internalized and nurtured. For business leaders, what they can ultimately rely on is their own thinking and judgment abilities. To strengthen this foundation, judgment criteria and values cultivated over many years are necessary. I hope this work will be of some help in that regard. This publishing activity is an attempt to reconstruct on paper the thoughts and learnings I have accumulated through the community. There may not be definitive correct answers, but that is precisely why business leaders can continue to learn and create. By sharing a philosophy backed by action that goes beyond theory and information, I believe that the people gathered in the Business Leader Development Research Group can draw stronger and more flexible growth trajectories. With these thoughts in mind, I face my computer again today.





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