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執筆者の写真: ncu807ncu807





失敗は確かに苦い経験だ。しかし、その失敗から得られる学びこそが、理念や活動を深め、進化させるための栄養源となる。その先にある成長を信じ、私はこれからも挑戦を続けていきたい。失敗を恐れず、そこから得る教訓を歓迎することで、経営者育成研究会はさらなる高みへと進化できるはずだ。この信念を胸に、これからも前進し続けたい。 "The Essence of Organizational Management Taught by Failure: A Journey of Continuous Challenges"

Since the inception of the Executive Development Research Group, I have undertaken countless challenges. Among them, there were certainly successes, but in retrospect, failures far outnumbered them. Nevertheless, I have come to realize that these failures provided valuable lessons and ultimately revealed the essence of organizational management. Today, I would like to reflect on some of the insights gained through these experiences.

One notable failure was the implementation of a GPT-based matching support system we had independently developed. While believing in the potential of AI technology and aiming to foster deeper connections among participants, the system faced hurdles due to the limited adoption of GPT at the time. Challenges such as low accuracy and difficulty of use prevented the system from gaining traction. Similarly, we made several attempts to host online networking events, but these efforts often fell short in terms of attracting participants, yielding results that were far below expectations. These experiences taught me a straightforward yet profound lesson: no matter how innovative a system may seem, if it fails to align with on-the-ground needs and timing, it cannot deliver its intended impact.

Another challenging experience involved introducing a new paid service. Without fully incorporating customer feedback, I unilaterally decided on the pricing and content, assuming it would be well-received. However, it faced harsh criticism, with feedback such as “the price doesn’t match the value” and “I’m not sure if this benefits me.” This failure reinforced the importance of deeply understanding participants’ needs before launching new offerings.

Looking back on these challenges and failures, I have come to see organizational management as a continuous cycle of hypotheses and validation, with no singular correct answer. What is crucial is maintaining flexibility, collaborating with participants and staff, and making appropriate adjustments in response to change. This agile mindset, I believe, is the true essence of effective community management.

Failures are undeniably bitter experiences. However, the lessons derived from those failures serve as a vital source of nourishment that deepens and advances our principles and initiatives. Trusting in the growth that lies ahead, I am committed to continuing to embrace new challenges. By welcoming the lessons that come with failure, the Executive Development Research Group can evolve to even greater heights. With this belief as my guiding force, I will keep moving forward.





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