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執筆者の写真: ncu807ncu807











結局のところ、人生は複雑で予測不可能なものだ。だからこそ、努力の意味を再定義し、その過程で得られるものに価値を見出すことが重要なのである。そうすることで、私たちは人生の起伏を乗り越え、真の意味での成功に近づいていけるのではないだろうか? The Truth of Effort and Success: Not a Simple Equation

We have heard the phrase "If you work hard, you will be rewarded" since we were children. However, it must be said that this idea does not fully reflect the complexity of the real world. In life, there are walls that cannot be overcome by simple effort alone.

From my own experience, I have come to realize that no matter how hard you try, you may not get the results you desire. However, this is by no means unusual. Rather, it is a normal aspect of life.

Reconsidering the meaning of effort

That is not to say that effort is meaningless. The important thing is "where" and "how" to make an effort. When we observe successful people, we realize that they are not necessarily active in the field they are most passionate about from the beginning. In many cases, they work on their second or third choice, where they refine themselves. This process, which may seem like a detour at first glance, is actually an excellent opportunity to build up strength.

Objective self-assessment and dialogue with oneself

What is indispensable on the road to success is the ability to objectively assess oneself. Those who can calmly analyze their strengths and weaknesses and make realistic judgments will eventually get closer to success. This is a completely different attitude from mere optimism or unfounded self-confidence.

In the process of making an effort, dialogue with oneself is inevitable. The questions "What have I done?" and "Is this really okay?" are sometimes so severe that they can be heartbreaking. However, facing this introspection without running away is the key to true growth.

I believe that the essence of effort lies not only in achieving results, but also in the experience and self-understanding gained in the process. Through effort, we get to know ourselves more deeply and understand the complexity of life.

A new meaning of effort

The simple equation "If you work hard, you will be rewarded" certainly does not accurately represent reality. However, effort with the right direction will always enrich our lives in some way. It does not necessarily mean social success or visible results. Sometimes, it appears in the form of self-growth or inner fulfillment.

After all, life is complex and unpredictable. That is why it is important to redefine the meaning of effort and find value in what we gain in the process. By doing so, we can overcome the ups and downs of life and move closer to true success.





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