30年前、私はコピー機の営業マンとしてキャリアをスタートした。 当時、新人だった私は、毎月300万円の売上目標を課され、それを真面目に達成するのが精一杯だった。 しかし、私の同期には毎月1000万円以上を売り上げるトップセールスがいた。 彼の成績は私の3倍以上であり、その驚異的な成果の裏にどんな秘密が隠されているのか、いつも気になっていた。
彼の秘訣は一つに絞られないが、最も大きな要因は「社長との関係構築」だった。 具体的には、以下のポイントが彼の営業スタイルの柱であった。
社長との関係構築 顧客企業の社長と直接的な関係を築き、信頼を得ることを最優先にしていた。彼は単に商品を売り込むのではなく、社長の悩みやビジョンに耳を傾け、サポート役を果たしていたのだ。
紹介営業の活用 既存の社長から紹介をもらうことで、次の社長へと繋げていく。これにより、彼は紹介によって新規契約を次々と獲得していた。
情報の徹底的な管理 社長に関する個人情報や趣味、ビジネスの状況などを詳細に記録し、それを元にさらに関係を深めるための材料としていた。社長が何に興味を持っているかを知ることで、次の商談時には必ず話題に出し、信頼を強化していた。
私が当時行っていた営業スタイルは、いわゆる「広範囲アプローチ」だった。 担当地域の企業を次々と訪問し、まずは事務員や総務担当者にアプローチしていくやり方だ。だが、彼のアプローチは全く異なる。
恐れる必要はない。営業の成功は、戦略と信頼関係の構築にかかっている。 わからないならわかる人に聞けばいい。 The Essence of Sales: Lessons Learned from a Top Salesperson
Thirty years ago, I started my career as a salesperson for copiers. As a rookie at the time, I was tasked with a monthly sales target of 3 million yen, and it was all I could do to meet that goal by working earnestly. However, among my peers, there was a top salesperson who consistently made over 10 million yen in sales each month. His performance was more than three times mine, and I was always curious about the secret behind his extraordinary results.
One day, I mustered up the courage to ask him, “How are you able to sell so much?” At first, he brushed me off lightly and wouldn’t tell me much, but after persistent questioning, I finally succeeded in uncovering his strategy.
The Keys to Success for a Top Salesperson
There wasn’t just one secret to his success, but the most significant factor was "building relationships with company presidents." Specifically, the following points formed the pillars of his sales style:
Building Relationships with Presidents:He prioritized establishing direct relationships with company presidents and gaining their trust. Instead of simply pushing his product, he listened to the president's concerns and vision, acting as a supportive figure.
Leveraging Referral Sales:By getting referrals from existing presidents, he connected with the next president. This allowed him to steadily acquire new contracts through introductions.
Thorough Information Management:He meticulously recorded personal information, hobbies, and the business status of the presidents, using that information to deepen the relationship further. By knowing what interested the president, he would always bring it up in the next meeting, strengthening trust.
Using these methods, he consistently maintained high sales. Behind this success was his excellent listening ability and skill in giving praise. The presidents saw him not just as a salesperson but as a trustworthy business partner.
The Difference Between His Sales Style and Mine
At that time, my sales style was the typical "broad approach." I would visit company after company in my assigned area, starting by approaching office workers or administrative staff. However, his approach was entirely different.
While my style involved gathering information from the lower levels of the company and gradually working my way up to the president—what could be called a "downstream sales approach"—his style was to directly contact the president from the outset, a "upstream sales approach."
I spent time and effort visiting a large number of companies, but he focused on a select few presidents and produced results in a short time. It was clear that this difference created a significant gap in our sales performance.
The Potential of President Sales
At the time, I had no idea how to approach a president, and I was afraid of interacting with them. I didn’t know what to say or how to get a meeting. However, looking back now, simply meeting and listening to them would have been enough.
Statistics show that in Japan, about 1 in 30 people is a president. This includes presidents of small and medium-sized businesses as well as executives of large corporations, meaning that many executives exist around us. And when they go home, they are just regular people. In other words, meeting and talking with a president is not difficult, even without any special preparation or techniques.
Sales Success is Built on Trust
President sales as a strategy is a powerful weapon for any salesperson. By building relationships with presidents and earning their trust, you can efficiently increase sales. Even if you’re selling the same product, changing your sales approach can drastically change your results. I would encourage young salespeople to try this “president sales” technique.
There’s no need to be afraid. The key to sales success lies in strategy and building trust. If you don’t know something, just ask someone who does.
