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執筆者の写真: ncu807ncu807













A:商談数 × B:商品単価 × C:成約率






その人からオンライン面談のオファーが来たら断らない方がいい。 The Essence of Sales: The Importance of Finding and Meeting Buyers

The core of sales lies in meeting people.To go further, it lies in finding and meeting the right buyers.

My journey in sales began with cold-calling businesses to sell copiers. I would visit companies I had no prior connection with, needing to capture their interest and build trust within a limited time. There were many times when doors remained closed or I was outright rejected, but these experiences taught me the essence of sales. The key was to quickly grasp the other party's work and challenges, and then make proposals tailored to their needs.

Next, I gained experience in mobile phone retail sales and building agency networks.

In mobile phone retail, it was crucial to deeply understand what customers were looking for. Many customers who visited the store already had the intention to purchase, but it required skill to recommend the most suitable products and plans.

Building agency networks, on the other hand, involved finding people who could sell and teaching them to do so, essentially getting others to sell on my behalf. I needed to convince them to choose me and my mobile phone products, even as just one part of their primary business.

In corporate sales for life insurance, I learned to work directly with decision-makers such as business owners and HR managers. This required not only communicating the value of the product but also solving significant challenges, such as safeguarding the company’s future and the livelihoods of its employees. It was essential to carefully listen to the issues they faced and propose the most suitable solutions. Furthermore, corporate sales were not a one-time transaction; success depended on building long-term relationships through consistent follow-ups.

Through these experiences, I arrived at one conclusion: Sales is about finding and meeting buyers.

Now, I use social media to find buyers (business owners) and meet them online daily.With the knowledge I’ve accumulated, generative AI supports me in this endeavor. It doesn’t just help identify the business owners I want to meet but also advises on the best approach to take.

A common formula for increasing sales is often expressed as:A: Number of meetings × B: Product price × C: Closing rate

To put it bluntly, the closing rate will eventually improve. The product price can be adjusted by changing what you’re selling.However, the number of meetings cannot increase unless you find and meet buyers.

The challenge lies in the fact that time is finite. You can’t work 24 hours a day. It’s essential to efficiently find, meet, and hold discussions with buyers in the shortest time possible.

Let me leave you with one important piece of advice:I know someone who understands this essence deeply.If they offer you an online meeting, you’d be wise not to decline.





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