この夢の実現に向けて、前向きな対話や意見交換を大切にしていきたいと思っている。否定的な声にも学ぶことは多いが、今は実現のための一歩を踏み出す時期だと感じている。私は、自分の信じる道を歩み続けたい。その道の先で、同じ志を持つ人々と共に歩みを進められれば幸いだ。最後に、気の小さい性分ではありますが、どうぞ温かく見守っていただければと願っている。よろしくお願い申し上げます。 The Value of Diversity and Connection – Lessons in Organizational Development from the Ant Principle, and My Vision
There’s a well-known observation that in an ant colony, around 20% of the ants are always inactive. Furthermore, even if you remove that 20%, another 20% of the remaining colony will also stop working. This suggests that in any group, there’s no such thing as a member without a role or value. In human society, too, everyone has a unique role to play, contributing in their own way. I believe that for society to mature, it is essential that diverse individuals support and recognize one another.
There is a famous saying by the Japanese warlord, Takeda Shingen: “People are the castle, people are the stone walls, people are the moat. Compassion is ally, vengeance is enemy.” Even the most impressive castle holds no value if there are no people to protect it. In building a strong organization, what is most essential is the bond among trustworthy people. It is these connections between individuals that form the true foundation of a solid organization.
I have held a long-standing vision for many years: to create a company that offers lifetime employment with a guaranteed monthly salary based on an employee’s age multiplied by ten thousand yen, ultimately providing jobs for 100 people. I want to build a company where even those who can no longer work will receive lifetime support. I originally conceived this idea 23 years ago, and at 58 years old, I have now taken my second step towards bringing it to life. My goal is to establish a sustainable company by 2028, when I will be 65, that provides employees with a sense of security and pride in their work. After that, I intend to retire peacefully, passing the torch to the next generation. If the model I create spreads and similar companies begin to emerge, I believe it could contribute to a small yet meaningful shift in society. And if, one day, this effort is even considered part of the “SDGs,” it would be an incredible honor.
To bring this vision to reality, I hope to engage in constructive dialogue and exchange ideas openly. There is much to learn from criticism, but I feel that now is the time to take a step forward towards realizing this dream. I will continue down this path, guided by my convictions, and would be grateful to walk alongside others who share this vision. In closing, although I may be sensitive at heart, I kindly ask for your warm support. Thank you very much.
