エウロパに地球外生命が存在するかどうかを想像することはロマンがあるが、私たちは現実に立ち返り、日々の目の前の仕事に集中しなければならない。私の使命は、経営者と向き合い、彼らが抱える課題に対して最適な提案を行うことだ。以前、イチローがシアトル・マリナーズ球場で「日本から来たやせっぽちが今ここで話している。あなたに出来ない訳がない」と語った。この言葉に私は大いに励まされた。私も日々の努力を怠らず、自分がまだ見ぬ景色をいつか見られるよう、これからも挑戦を続けたい。 Learning from the Cosmos: The Importance of a Broad Perspective
Jupiter is known for its overwhelming size. Its mass is 318 times that of Earth, its diameter is 11.2 times larger, and its volume reaches 1,321 times that of Earth. Additionally, Jupiter’s gravity is about 2.3 times stronger than Earth's. When we look at these numbers, it's impossible not to be amazed at the vast difference in scale between Earth and Jupiter. Jupiter is said to act like a shield, drawing in comets and asteroids headed toward Earth. In this sense, it might be thanks to Jupiter that we are even able to exist today.
Earth has just one satellite, the Moon. However, Jupiter has a staggering 80 moons. Among them, four are particularly well-known—Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Europa, in particular, has drawn attention due to the possibility of a vast ocean of water beneath its surface, raising the potential for extraterrestrial life. When we reflect on the vastness of space and the unknown possibilities it holds, it makes our everyday worries seem insignificant.
When I learned that Jupiter’s volume is over 1,300 times that of Earth, I felt as though it was akin to a rabbit looking up at a human. How do we feel when faced with something vastly larger or more significant than ourselves? For example, when we see President Biden on the news, just as Jupiter likely doesn’t give any special consideration to Earth, we don’t usually think much about Jupiter in our daily lives. This is a prime example of how narrow our perspective can be.
This way of thinking is crucial in business as well. When I was a company employee, I used to look at the annual top sales champion and think that they were someone completely unrelated to me. They didn't know who I was, and I didn’t need to overthink their success. Instead of excessively worrying about comparisons with others, it’s important to adopt a broader perspective, like that of Jupiter, and view things from a wider angle. By not getting caught up in trivial matters and calmly assessing our position, we can find the next step to take, and the results will naturally follow.
While it’s fascinating to imagine whether or not extraterrestrial life exists on Europa, we must stay grounded in reality and focus on the tasks at hand. My mission is to face business leaders and offer optimal solutions to their challenges. Once, Ichiro stood at Seattle’s Mariners Stadium and said, “A skinny kid from Japan is standing here, talking to you. There's no reason you can’t do the same.” These words encouraged me greatly. I, too, will continue my efforts day by day, and hope to one day see a world I have yet to experience.