このたび、新刊 『経営者育成研究会③』 を刊行する。
対談では、それぞれの経営者に 「なぜ起業し、社長になったのか」「現在どのように事業を展開しているのか」「未来にどんなビジョンを描いているのか」 を語っていただいた。また、次世代の経営者に向けた貴重な提言も盛り込まれており、これからの時代を生き抜くヒントが詰まっている。
本書に登場する経営者は、それぞれ異なる業界や背景を持ちながらも、共通して 「挑戦し続ける姿勢」と「人とのつながりを大切にする姿勢」 を貫いている。読者の皆様には、彼らの言葉から何か一つでも新たなヒントを得ていただければ嬉しい。
『経営者育成研究会③』 は、経営者はもちろん、これから起業を考えている方や経営に関心のあるすべての方にとって、価値ある一冊となるはずだ。ぜひ手に取っていただき、次の一歩につなげてほしい。
Announcement of the Release of the New Book “Executive Development Research Association Vol. 3”
We are pleased to announce the publication of our new book, Executive Development Research Association Vol. 3.The interview series of the Executive Development Research Association has reached its third installment. Since the association’s founding in autumn 2021, we have conducted 126 interviews with business leaders. This book features the stories of eight executives who participated in our most recent discussions.
In these interviews, each executive shared their insights on why they chose entrepreneurship and became a company president, how they currently develop their businesses, and what vision they have for the future. Additionally, the interviews include invaluable recommendations for the next generation of leaders, offering practical guidance to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving world.
I believe management is not just about “knowledge” but a continuous cycle of “practice.” There are successes and failures, but the firsthand experiences shared by business leaders offer unique insights that cannot be found in books or seminars alone. That is why I place great value on the interview format.
The executives featured in this book, though coming from diverse industries and backgrounds, share a common ethos: a commitment to continuous challenge and a deep appreciation for human connections. I hope that readers will find at least one new piece of inspiration through their words.
Executive Development Research Association Vol. 3 is a valuable resource not only for current executives but also for those considering entrepreneurship and anyone interested in business leadership. I encourage you to pick up a copy and take that next step forward.
Details and release information will be regularly updated on NCU’s official website and social media channels. Please stay tuned.
“Management is all about connections between people.”I hope this book serves as a catalyst for new encounters and learning opportunities.
Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the executives who took time out of their busy schedules to participate in these interviews. I am confident that their experiences and wisdom will serve as a significant guide for the next generation of leaders.
Through this book, I hope readers will touch upon the essence of management and find the courage to take on new challenges. I wish you all continued success.
