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  • 8時間:仕事

  • 8時間:学習と娯楽

  • 8時間:休息と身体のケア





The Key to Success as a Business Leader: Time Management and the Importance of Mentorship

One of the most crucial elements for achieving success as a business leader is effective time management and the presence of a reliable mentor. Talent and hard work alone are not enough to reach the highest levels of success; these two factors form the foundation that supports the growth of a business leader. Let’s explore the keys to success for a business leader, and reflect on the fundamental qualities of how we should live as human beings.

The Essence of Professionalism

A truly successful business leader is not simply a collection of technical skills but possesses deep understanding and unique insights into their field. For example, it is said that the legendary swordsman Miyamoto Musashi grasped the essence of Yagyu Munenori's technique by observing the way he arranged flowers in an ikebana display. Such profound insight is something only those who have mastered their craft can achieve, and the same applies to business leaders. Surface-level knowledge or skills are not enough; business leaders need deep, insightful understanding.

Another famous story comes from the world of baseball: Shigeo Nagashima, a legend in the sport, once gave precise advice to Hideki Matsui simply by listening to the sound of his practice swings over the phone. This sharp sense of understanding is something only a professional can develop. In business, too, success depends on honing such instincts, and being able to see the core of both the business and the people involved.

Effective Use of Time

To find a shortcut to success, it is not enough to simply put in long hours. What matters is how that time is used. Many people believe that "if you keep doing the same job for 10 years, you’ll become a professional," but that mindset is passive. Business leaders must always strive for improvement and innovation in their daily work.

Focusing on improving the business for eight hours each day while receiving advice from experienced mentors can dramatically accelerate personal and professional growth. In fact, with proper time management and mentorship, it's possible to become a professional within five years, and to lay the foundation for success in as little as three years.

The Common Factor Among Successful Leaders: Mentorship

One common factor among many successful business leaders is the presence of a mentor. A trusted mentor encountered early in one’s career can significantly change the course of a leader’s development. A mentor doesn’t just teach skills and knowledge; they impart values, life philosophy, and provide insights that can be applied to business.

The influence of a mentor extends beyond mere business success, impacting one’s entire life. Meeting the right mentor can shorten the path to success and enable more efficient and rapid growth.

The Importance of Time Management

Each day only has 24 hours. How effectively a business leader uses that limited time is directly linked to their success. An ideal distribution of time might look something like this:

  • 8 hours: Work

  • 8 hours: Learning and leisure

  • 8 hours: Rest and self-care

Consciously practicing this balanced time distribution helps eliminate waste and maximizes results. Business leaders should always secure time for learning and growth, while also ensuring they maintain their health. Balanced time management is an essential element that supports long-term business success.


For a business leader, success isn’t just about spending time; it’s about using that time efficiently. Moreover, the presence of a mentor is essential on the path to success. By learning from a mentor and making effective use of time, a business leader's growth can accelerate, evolving them into a true professional.

Success is not something that can be achieved overnight, but by following the right path, it can certainly be attained. And along this journey, the human qualities developed will become a business leader’s greatest asset.





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