経営者育成研究会では、多くの経営者が集い、知見を共有し、新たなビジネスチャンスを生み出している。この場を通じて、経営者同士の繋がりが新たなアイデアやイノベーションを生み、それが社会全体にポジティブな影響をもたらすと信じている。 私はそう信じて、日々の行動を決定している。
生きる意味や仕事の目的を常に意識し、それを日々の行動に反映させることで、私たちは自分の可能性を最大限に引き出し、社会に貢献することができると信じている。これからも、この信念を胸に、経営者育成研究会の活動を通じて多くの経営者と共に成長し、より良い未来を創造していきたい。 The Mission and Growth of a Business Leader: The Path of Creation and Coexistence
What is the meaning of life?What is the mission of a business leader?I face these questions every day.At this moment, I might say, “It is to create value and grow together with others.”Each of us plays a different role on the grand stage of society, but for me, supporting the growth of businesses and people, and expanding their potential, is one of the meanings of life as a business leader. At the same time, I am convinced that learning and growing together through connections with others is one of life’s greatest joys.
So, why did I establish the Executive Development Research Association, and why do I continue this work?It is to provide a place where business leaders can learn from each other and create the future together.In the Executive Development Research Association, many business leaders gather to share knowledge and create new business opportunities. Through this platform, the connections among business leaders give rise to new ideas and innovations, which I believe will have a positive impact on society as a whole.With this belief, I decide my actions every day.I think about who I can connect with and what value I can offer, and by acting on these thoughts, I realize that the accumulation of daily efforts leads to great achievements.
The responsibility of a business leader goes beyond simply managing a company.Of course, corporate growth is important, but we also bear responsibility to society and must aim for sustainable growth. In the rapidly changing modern society, we must manage with a forward-looking perspective. It’s crucial not just to chase short-term profits but to develop strategies with a long-term view. And without the personal growth of the business leader, there can be no growth for the company. I always emphasize the importance of absorbing new knowledge and constantly striving for self-improvement.At the Executive Development Research Association, we provide an environment where participants can inspire and challenge each other, and I am convinced that collaboration among business leaders creates the power to generate new value.
Today’s world is said to be a VUCA era, where uncertainty is increasing, and the decision-making ability of business leaders is being tested.That is why cooperation and the sharing of wisdom among business leaders are more important than ever.Through the Executive Development Research Association, I aim to grow together with many business leaders and practice future-oriented management.I hope that this activity will not only contribute to the personal growth of the participants but also to the development of the companies they lead and, ultimately, to the progress of society as a whole.
By constantly being aware of the meaning of life and the purpose of work, and reflecting that in our daily actions, I believe we can maximize our potential and contribute to society.With this belief in my heart, I will continue to grow with many business leaders through the activities of the Executive Development Research Association and create a better future together.
