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執筆者の写真: ncu807ncu807












この3年間、毎週40件で延べ6000人とオンラインでお話しさせていただいております。 今年に入り2週間で90人と面談しました。

経営者育成研究会が目指すものは次代の経営者を育てるプラットホームです。私は2028年11月までに1000人の経営者コミュニティを作り、引退するつもりです。 思い描く素敵な経営者グループと収益モデルを築き、若い経営者に事業を託したいと考えております。


①真面目で ②思いやりを持ち ③謙虚である。

今日この場に集まられた皆さまたちがまさに合致するはずです。 ですので、こうしてまたご縁を深めさせていただきながら、引き続き本事業に変わらぬ支援とご協力を賜れれば幸いです。



To the 80 attendees gathered here today,

Last month, I went shopping with my wife. During our casual conversation, she said, “Why don’t you go to Tokyo?” And now, one month later, here I am, meeting all of you today.

Twenty-five years ago, I created a virtual company online. I gathered 15 members using chat and email, established five business divisions, and held online meetings every night. I still vividly remember personally visiting each one of them when I first started my business.

Three years ago, I founded the Executive Development Research Association, and since then, I have simply been repeating the same approach I used back then. Reaching out to people one by one, connecting online, and then meeting in person. Nothing has changed.

What has changed over the past 25 years?

Advancements in technology have improved the quality of online communication. Recently, with the emergence of generative AI, administrative tasks have evolved dramatically, making it possible to conduct business without even meeting in person. However, the essence remains unchanged.

It’s all about discovering, nurturing, and fostering new connections.

And simply repeating this process with unwavering dedication.

If I may point out one difference, I have simply done it more frequently than most.

Today, the Executive Development Research Association has grown to over 1,500 members in our Facebook group, and we have conducted 125 executive dialogues. The third volume of our interview series is scheduled for release on Amazon at the end of this month. It may sound immodest, but I have managed all of this almost entirely by myself.

Over the past three years, I have had conversations with a total of 6,000 people online, averaging 40 meetings per week. This year alone, I have conducted 90 meetings within just two weeks.

The goal of the Executive Development Research Association is to create a platform for nurturing the next generation of business leaders. My plan is to build a community of 1,000 executives by November 2028 and then retire. I aim to establish a wonderful group of business leaders and a solid revenue model, which I hope to pass on to younger entrepreneurs.

What makes a great business leader?

1. Integrity

2. Compassion

3. Humility

I believe that everyone gathered here today embodies these qualities. Therefore, I sincerely hope we can continue to strengthen our ties and that you will offer your continued support and cooperation for our initiatives.

Although our time today is limited, I encourage you to make the most of it by deepening your connections with one another. Later, please feel free to utilize Facebook and myself as much as possible to stay connected.

Finally, I wish you all great success in your businesses, and I kindly ask for your continued support of this quirky old man from Sapporo.

Thank you.





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