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執筆者の写真: ncu807ncu807









経営者育成研究会は、今後もさらなる成長を目指したい。 1年半で2500件以上そして年内には3000件のビジネスマッチングを達成するは間違いない。私たちの目標はあくまでこの先にある。さらなるイベントの充実、サービスの拡大を通じて、より多くの経営者に新たなビジネスチャンスを提供していく。



この場を借りて、これまで経営者育成研究会を支えてくださった全ての皆様に感謝申し上げたい。皆様のお力添えがあってこそ、ここまでの成果を積み上げることができたと思う。これからも共に成長し、経営者としての新たなステージへと挑戦していくことを楽しみたい。 The Business Leaders Development Association Achieves 2,500 Business Matchings

Our Business Leaders Development Association began as a Facebook group in September 2021, and since then, it has grown into a thriving community of business leaders and entrepreneurs. Initially established as a platform for business leaders to share knowledge and experiences, we have achieved significant milestones throughout our journey. Today, we take great pride in announcing that our business matching service has successfully facilitated over 2,500 matchings.

The Background and Growth of Our Community

In September 2021, the Business Leaders Development Association was launched as a community where business leaders could freely exchange opinions, share business challenges, and discuss success stories. Initially, the activities were centered around our Facebook group, but in a short time, the community grew rapidly, attracting a large number of entrepreneurs eager to share their knowledge and expertise. Within just 18 months, our membership surpassed 1,000 (currently 1,375 members).

In December 2021, we launched the monthly "Business Leaders Dialogue Live Stream." This series provides invaluable learning opportunities, where successful entrepreneurs share their personal experiences and insights. With over 120 live streams to date, our association has not only provided knowledge but has also become a source of inspiration, motivating business leaders to take real action.

The Success of Our Business Matching Service

In April 2023, we introduced the "Business Leaders Matching Service," which has quickly become one of the core activities of our association. In business, meeting new partners or customers is a critical factor for growth, and our service was designed to meet that need. It provides a platform where members can identify business opportunities based on their needs and strengths.

As a result, in just 18 months, we have achieved over 2,500 successful matchings. This number is not merely a reflection of quantity but of the many high-quality connections that have been made. Numerous entrepreneurs have found new business partners through this service, leading to business expansion and growth. We have received many testimonials from members about successfully entering new markets, creating innovative collaborations, and other achievements resulting from these matchings.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, the Business Leaders Development Association aims for even greater growth. We are confident that we will surpass 3,000 business matchings by the end of the year, having already exceeded 2,500 in just 18 months. However, our ultimate goal lies beyond these numbers. We plan to further enhance our events and expand our services to provide even more business opportunities for entrepreneurs.

In particular, we aim to improve the quality of matchings, foster more advanced business partnerships, and broaden our network internationally. We aspire to remain a flexible platform that meets the evolving needs of business leaders.

In Conclusion

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported the Business Leaders Development Association so far. It is thanks to your contributions that we have been able to achieve these results. Moving forward, I am excited to continue growing together and to face new challenges as business leaders, stepping into the next stage of our journeys.





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