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経営者育成研究会の原点 - 人とのつながりが紡ぐ学びの場

執筆者の写真: ncu807ncu807








「経営者育成研究会」は、私自身のキャリアや信念、人とのつながりの結晶である。このシリーズでは、私がこれまでの活動を通じて得た学びや、試行錯誤の軌跡を紹介していきたい。皆さんが新たな発想や行動のヒントを得られることを願っている。 The Origin of the Executive Development Research Group – A Place for Learning Woven by Connections

I launched the Executive Development Research Group in December 2021. This idea naturally took shape through my career and encounters with other executives. Throughout my experiences in corporate sales, senior management, entrepreneurship, and sales at a foreign life insurance company, I came to realize one undeniable truth: “Human connections are the driving force behind business.”

Meeting other executives became essential to my growth. As my personal belief states, “Everyone you meet is a teacher.” Over three years, I held 40 executive meetings each week, gaining insights into diverse management challenges, strategies, and, at times, difficult decisions. Through these encounters, I began to feel a strong need for a space where executives could share experiences and learn from one another.

One of the challenges executives face is isolation. It is not uncommon to harbor doubts such as, “Am I making the right decision?” or “What is the next move I should take?” but be unable to confide in anyone. I, too, have faced similar struggles and hit walls in the past. Books and seminars are helpful, but true awareness and courage emerge when executives meet face-to-face and engage in honest dialogue. Creating such a space became my mission.

This is how the Executive Development Research Group was born. At its inception, my vision was simple: to create a place where executives could speak freely, extract new ideas from conversations, and contribute to the development of each other’s businesses. Initially, I envisioned a small gathering of a few dozen people. However, today, the group has grown to over 1,400 members. I feel both joy and the heavy weight of responsibility as a result.

Through continued operations, I realized that participants seek not one-way knowledge dissemination but “two-way dialogue.” Each executive possesses unique experiences and perspectives, and it is this exchange that forms the heart of mutual learning. I focused on creating a “cycle of learning,” and one solution was the Executive Dialogue Events.

In a dialogue format, the thought processes and values of executives—often unseen in daily operations—come to the forefront. These events are not structured with a hierarchical relationship between speaker and audience. Instead, every participant becomes an active contributor, engaging in stimulating exchanges that deepen learning and provide actionable insights.

I, too, continue to learn through the research group. Developing it into a true “place of learning” where participants elevate one another, rather than a mere tool for expanding networks, is not an easy task. However, when senior executives share their experiences and younger executives add fresh perspectives, this process strengthens the community and builds a foundation for richer dialogue.

The Executive Development Research Group is the culmination of my career, beliefs, and connections with people. In this series, I hope to share the lessons and insights I have gained through my activities and efforts. My wish is for readers to find new ideas and inspiration for action.





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