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Past, Present, and Future of the Executive Development Research Group - 03
"Determination Opens the Way: A Story of Initial Challenges and Overcoming Them"
The establishment of the Executive Development Research Group was far from a smooth journey. It relied solely on the determination and drive of a man nearing his sixties. The initial challenges were numerous, and there were countless moments when I felt like giving up. Even now, I vividly remember those struggles. Yet, it was by overcoming each obstacle one by one that the foundation we have today was built.
The first major hurdle was a lack of personal connections. The networks I had relied on in the past had all but disappeared due to the pandemic. I had no choice but to start by figuring out how to build new connections with executives. I began by sitting in front of my computer, registering on websites where executives gathered, and meeting people one by one. In two months, I conducted over 300 online meetings. However, I soon realized something: the desire to "meet" someone often equates to "wanting work." When "work-seeking" individuals meet, it rarely results in actual business opportunities. It also became clear that these interactions were far from fostering meaningful relationships among executives.
That’s when I decided to change my approach. Rather than focusing on "sales," I shifted toward "connections," targeting executives who neither wanted to meet me nor had any intent to pitch their services. If it weren’t for the pandemic, I might have tried knocking on the doors of traditional executive organizations or high-quality groups, putting in the sweat equity. But I had neither the time nor the financial resources for that. Instead, I decided to focus entirely on social media.
The law of large numbers—that even poor efforts yield results with enough attempts—and my belief that "quantity breeds quality" sustained me through this process.
I reached out to each person with care and gradually increased our membership. Within a year and a half, our Facebook group grew to over 1,000 members. Meanwhile, the executive dialogues that I had been conducting also surpassed 100 sessions over two and a half years.
As of today, the number of followers across social media platforms is as follows:Facebook: 5,522 | LinkedIn: 2,282 | TikTok: 1,830 | Instagram: 1,767
This is the determination of a man past his sixties.
The greatest challenge, however, was the battle within myself. It was mentally and physically exhausting to continue working daily without seeing immediate results. But the encouragement of our steadily growing members, with comments like "I'm glad I joined this group" or "I gained new insights," kept me going. My belief that "persistence will eventually open the way" also served as a constant source of support.
Looking back now, the Executive Development Research Group is the result of sheer persistence. However, we have only just laid the foundation; the real challenge begins now. I must repay the many people who have supported me thus far and pass that goodwill forward to the entrepreneurs and executives of the future.
No matter what challenges lie ahead, I am determined to keep fueling the fire of perseverance.