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鏡と窓 :長きブログ人生、自他をつなぐ言葉の軌跡

執筆者の写真: ncu807ncu807








ブログを始めるきっかけとなった息子の三回忌から四半世紀。息子への思いは今も変わらず、むしろ時と共に深まっている。彼の短い人生が教えてくれたことは、生きることの尊さと、一瞬一瞬を大切にすることの重要性だ。ブログを通じて自己と向き合い、他者と対話を重ねる中で、息子の存在が私の人生の指針となっていることを実感する。これからも、その思いを胸に、この旅を続けていきたい。 Mirror and Window: A Long Blogging Journey Connecting Words with Self and Others

I started blogging 25 years ago.Around the time of my son’s third death anniversary, I found myself often pouring my thoughts into the computer. Who am I? What am I striving for? How should I move forward? I was playing a game of catch with the screen and my words in an attempt to answer these questions for myself.

As time went on, people around me began to encourage me, saying, "Why not publish a book?" Yet, despite their urging, I couldn’t take the first step for a long time. It wasn’t until 2022 that I finally mustered the courage to act.

That year marked the beginning of an unprecedented rush of publications, as if a floodgate had been opened. Under the Amachi Muyou series, I ended up publishing seven books. These books are packed with the thoughts and experiences I cultivated through blogging since the age of 36.

Looking back, these 25 years of blogging have been a journey of dialogue with myself and, at the same time, a path of encounters and learning with many people. Each word I’ve written on my computer has been infused with the spice of changing times, transforming into ongoing conversations.

This journey is far from over. Moving forward, I wish to continue cherishing daily discoveries, lessons, and encounters, while using my blog as a platform for self-reflection and expression. Guided by the belief that “everyone you meet is a teacher,” I am committed to learning and walking alongside executives and everyone I meet in the future.

For me, blogging is not merely a means of conveying information. It is a mirror that reflects myself and a window to engage in dialogue with others. Every person lives by posing various questions to themselves daily. I hope those questions lead to self-improvement and admiration for others. Criticism and disdain for others, I believe, are often questions that can be resolved internally. Even if they are spoken aloud and recorded, they often lead to a chain of negativity, trapping oneself as well. Instead, let’s redirect every moment spent on such matters toward questions that focus on one’s future and the time required to resolve them.

It has been a quarter of a century since my son’s third death anniversary, the event that prompted me to start blogging. My feelings for him remain unchanged and have, in fact, deepened with time. His short life taught me the value of living and the importance of treasuring every moment. Through blogging, as I continue to reflect on myself and engage in dialogue with others, I feel more than ever that his presence serves as a guiding light in my life. With these thoughts in my heart, I wish to continue this journey.





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