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1. 「日に新た」:絶え間ない革新の精神



・技術進化の急速化: AIやブロックチェーンが既存のビジネスモデルを根底から覆す可能性がある。

・市場の予測困難性: 消費者ニーズが細分化し、変化のスピードも速まっている。

・競争環境の激化: 業界の枠を超えた競争相手が次々に出現している。



・継続的な情報収集: 最新の技術や市場動向を追い、新しい知見を取り入れる。

・柔軟な戦略見直し: 定期的にビジネス戦略を点検し、変化に応じて修正する。

・多様なコラボレーション: 他部門や外部パートナーとの協働を進め、新たな価値を創造する。

・失敗を恐れない文化の育成: 挑戦を奨励し、失敗を成長の糧とする組織をつくる。

2. 「自分は生かされている」:社会との共生



・社会的責任の重要性: 環境問題や地域課題への取り組みが、企業の存在意義に直結する。

・新しい世代の価値観: 社会貢献に意義を見いだす若い世代が増え、企業の姿勢が採用や成長に影響を及ぼす。


・企業のパーパス(存在意義)の明確化: 社会にどう貢献するのかを社員や顧客と共有する。

・環境配慮型の事業運営: サプライチェーン全体でのカーボンニュートラルの推進など、具体的な行動を取る。

・地域社会への還元: 地域課題に向き合い、共創プロジェクトを進める。

・従業員の幸福追求: 働きやすさと働きがいを両立した職場づくりを目指す。



2025年が、企業と社会の協働による新たな時代の幕開けとなることを願い、その実現に向けて歩み続けたい。変化を機会とし、未来を共に切り拓いていこう。 Leadership Insights for 2025: The Fusion of Innovation and Social Contribution

As the pace of change continues to accelerate, 2025 is expected to become a significant turning point. With advancements in AI and IoT, the intensification of environmental issues, and an increasingly uncertain social climate, the role of business leaders will be more critical than ever. Here, I reflect on two key principles that I believe are essential for leaders to uphold as we look toward 2025.

1. “Renew Daily”: The Spirit of Continuous Innovation

The phrase “Renew Daily,” famously expressed by Konosuke Matsushita, encapsulates the mindset of never being satisfied with the status quo and constantly approaching challenges with a fresh perspective.

Why is “Renew Daily” critical now?

  • Accelerating Technological Advancement: Technologies like AI and blockchain have the potential to disrupt traditional business models at their core.

  • Unpredictable Market Dynamics: Consumer needs are becoming increasingly fragmented, and changes occur at an ever-faster pace.

  • Intensified Competitive Environment: New competitors are emerging beyond conventional industry boundaries.

Adapting to these changes and maintaining or enhancing a company’s value requires daily challenges and continuous renewal.

How to embody “Renew Daily”

  • Continuous Information Gathering: Stay updated on the latest technologies and market trends to integrate new insights.

  • Flexible Strategy Review: Regularly evaluate business strategies and make adjustments as needed.

  • Diverse Collaboration: Foster cross-departmental and external partnerships to create new value.

  • Cultivate a Culture of Risk-Taking: Encourage innovation by creating an organization that views failure as a stepping stone for growth.

2. “I Am Sustained by Others”: Coexistence with Society

The phrase “I am sustained by others,” shared by Koichi Tsukamoto, the founder of Wacoal, emphasizes the importance of leaders recognizing their connection to society and the environment.

Why is the mindset of “I Am Sustained by Others” essential?

  • Significance of Social Responsibility: Addressing environmental and regional issues is directly tied to a company’s purpose and existence.

  • Shifting Generational Values: Younger generations increasingly value corporate contributions to society, impacting recruitment and growth.

How to implement this mindset

  • Clarify the Company’s Purpose: Clearly define how the organization contributes to society and share this vision with employees and customers.

  • Environmentally Conscious Business Operations: Take concrete actions, such as promoting carbon neutrality across the supply chain.

  • Giving Back to Local Communities: Address regional issues and advance co-creation projects.

  • Prioritize Employee Well-Being: Create a workplace that balances comfort and purpose, making work meaningful for employees.


The principles of “Renew Daily” and “I Am Sustained by Others” serve as a compass for integrating innovation with social contribution. By embracing change and creating new value while fostering harmony with society, I believe companies can navigate turbulent times and build a sustainable future.

As we move toward 2025, I hope this year marks the beginning of a new era of collaboration between businesses and society. Together, let us seize opportunities in the face of change and carve out a brighter future.





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