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50歳からでも変われる! 「継続の力」と1.01の法則

執筆者の写真: ncu807ncu807

















毎日が大安吉日と思って今朝から始めよう。 You Can Change Even After 50! The Power of Persistence and the 1.01 Rule

Have you ever heard of the "1.01 and 0.99 Rule"? This concept is often cited as an example of how small daily efforts or laziness can have a massive long-term impact.

Specifically, if you multiply 1.01 by itself 365 times, it results in approximately 37.8. On the other hand, multiplying 0.99 by itself 365 times reduces it to around 0.03. In other words, by making just a 1% improvement every day, you can achieve nearly 38 times the results in one year. Conversely, if you develop a habit of being 1% lazier each day, your abilities will shrink to just 3% of their original level.

As this rule suggests, the key to growth lies in "small daily improvements." For example, waking up five minutes earlier to learn new English words, watching educational videos during your commute, or reading before bed—these small habits, when continued, lead to significant growth.

Furthermore, why not aim for a 10% improvement every day instead of just 1.01? Theoretically, multiplying 1.1 by itself 365 times results in growth of approximately 13 billion times. Of course, this is challenging in reality, but what's crucial is setting "high goals" and maintaining a "challenging spirit."

To establish daily habits, consider the following actions:

  • Set clear goals.

  • Continue small actions every day.

  • Track your progress and review it regularly.

  • Don't give up after failures; restart immediately.

  • Create an environment that motivates you.

Life is truly a "daily multiplication." Small choices accumulated over time lead to significant achievements. Since even a 1% improvement can lead to a big leap, why not aim for "10% improvement" starting today? A small step can bring about a big change.

Incidentally, there's a man in Sapporo who, after turning 50, made 4,000 telemarketing calls per year for two consecutive years. For the past three years, he has been holding 40 online meetings with business executives every week. If you put in that much effort, anyone can change—this is a real-life example that proves it without a doubt.

Some middle-aged and older people lament their current situation.While it's often said, "Good things come to those who wait," it's unlikely that good fortune will simply fall into your lap.

Reflect only on yesterday's actions and try increasing today's effort by just 10%. Even if you can only achieve a 1% increase, don't worry.Simply repeat the same process the next day. When you think about it, achieving a 38-fold improvement in just one year is quite a bargain.

Start today with the mindset that every day is a lucky day.





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