情報の伝達手段は進化し続けているが、その本質は変わらない。リアルでもオンラインでも、既存のメディアでもSNSでも、大切なのはそこに関わる人の情熱や思いである。経営者育成研究会はこれからも、その本質を忘れずに、より多くの経営者がつながり、成長できる場をつくっていきたい。 とある曲の歌詞にこうある。「ぼくが歩いてきた日々と道のりを ほんとはジブンっていうらしい」過去は変えられないが未来の選択肢は無限に広がっている。振り返ったときの景色が常に少しでも輝きを増すよう今すべきことを考え行動したい。 New Connections Forged by SNS and the Journey of the Executive Development Research Group
Over the past two weeks, I’ve had 26 new consultations, and this month, the total will reach 40. All of these were made possible through approaches initiated via SNS. Once again, I can’t help but marvel at the influence and potential of social media.
Recently, much has been said about the contrasting roles of traditional media and SNS. It’s clear that neither can simply be labeled as “good” or “bad.” However, one undeniable truth is that reliance on authority—statements like “It was said on TV” or “It was written in the newspaper”—no longer holds the sway it once did. Both information receivers and senders now have more choices, which brings greater freedom and, at the same time, greater responsibility.
Similarly, the debate over the superiority of real-life interactions versus online connections has become less relevant. My own work unfolds across the boundaries of the real and virtual. By leveraging SNS, I’ve been able to build new relationships, and these online dialogues have seamlessly transitioned into real-life meetings and collaborations. This hybrid approach is, to me, emblematic of today’s way of working.
Looking back, I recall my first experience with the internet 25 years ago. What captivated me most was chat rooms. Late into the night, I would exchange short messages with strangers, deciphering emotions and stories between the lines. Casual conversations could evolve into deep discussions about life, sometimes leading to arguments, other times fostering friendships. I realized then that the essence of communication lies in the people behind the tools, no matter what medium they use. Tools are just tools; how they’re used depends entirely on us.
The Executive Development Research Group has also embraced this essence, marking its third anniversary this year. Since the first executive dialogue was released on December 1, 2021, we have surpassed 120 dialogues. These insights have been compiled into books, “Executive Development Research Group Volumes 1 and 2,” available on Amazon, with the third volume currently in the works. This entire process symbolizes the “connections” and “co-creation” we share with executives.
While the means of conveying information continue to evolve, the core remains unchanged. Be it in person, online, through traditional media, or SNS, what truly matters is the passion and intent of the people involved. The Executive Development Research Group will continue to honor this principle, striving to create a space where more executives can connect and grow.
As a certain song lyric goes,“The days I’ve walked, the paths I’ve taken, are said to be what make me, me.”
The past cannot be changed, but the choices for the future are boundless. I want to think about and act on what I can do now so that the view I see when I look back will always shine a little brighter.
If you have any further requests, let me know!
